
Polytope package (brief) tutorial

First import the package:

import polytope as pc

The polytope package is structured around two classes:

Convex Polytopes

A Polytope is defined by passing the matrices A and b as numpy arrays:

import numpy as np

A = np.array([[1.0, 0.0],
              [0.0, 1.0],
              [-1.0, -0.0],
              [-0.0, -1.0]])

b = np.array([2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0])

p = pc.Polytope(A, b)

In this particular case we created a Polytope which happens to be aligned with the coordinate axes. So we can instantiate the exact same Polytope by calling the convenience function box2poly instead:

p = pc.box2poly([[0, 2], [0, 1]])

To verify we got what we wanted print(p) shows:

Single polytope
 [[ 1.  0.] |    [[ 2.]
  [ 0.  1.] x <=  [ 1.]
  [-1. -0.] |     [ 0.]
  [-0. -1.]]|     [ 0.]]

We can check if the point with coordinates [0.5, 0.5] is in Polytope p with the expression:

[0.5, 0.5] in p

We can compare polytopes:

Set operations between polytopes are available as methods (as well as functions):


Some additional operations are available:

p1.scale(10) # b := 10 * b

Various Polytope characteristics are accessible via attributes:

p.dim # number of dimensions of ambient Euclidean space
p.volume # measure in ambient space
p.chebR # Chebyshev ball radius
p.chebXc # Chebyshev ball center

Several of these attributes are properties that compute the associated attribute, if it has not been already computed. The reason is that some computations, e.g., volume or Chebyshev ball radius, require sampling or solving an optimization problem, which can be computationally expensive.

Finally, the method plot does what it says on a matplotlib figure and text can be used for placing annotations at the Polytope’s Chebyshev center. The bounding_box can be used to set the correct axis limits to ensure the Polytope is visible in the plot.


A Region is a (possibly non-convex and even disconnected) container of (by definition convex) Polytope objects. The polytopes can be passed in an iterable during instantiation:

p1 = pc.box2poly([[0,2], [0,1]])
p2 = pc.box2poly([[2,3], [0,2]])
r = pc.Region([p1, p2])

The above results in a Region representing a non-convex polytope comprised of two convex polytopes. Iteration is over the Region’s polytopes:

for polytope in r:

The Region itself can also be displayed with print(r). Polytopes in a Region are ordered in a list, so Region[i] returns the i-th Polytope in that list. The number of polytopes in a Region is len(r). For a single Polytope calling len(p) returns 0.

Addition and subtraction return new Region objects:

r1 + r2 # set union
r1 - r2 # set difference
r1 & r2 # intersection

The other methods and attributes have names identical with those of Polytope.


An incomplete list of additional functions besides those described above: