gr1c 0.13.1
If started with the command-line flag "-i", gr1c will compute the sublevel sets from the fixpoint computation of the winning set and then accept commands until "quit" or end-of-file reached. States should be given as space separated values.
Initialized with the specification examples/trivial_partwin.spc
# For example, regarding states as bitvectors, 1011 is not in winning # set, while 1010 is. (Ordering is x ze y zs.) ENV: x ze; SYS: y zs; ENVINIT: x & !ze; ENVTRANS: [] (zs -> ze') & []((!ze & !zs) -> !ze'); ENVGOAL: []<>x; SYSINIT: y; SYSTRANS:; SYSGOAL: []<>y&x & []<>!y & []<> !ze;
below is example interaction.
>>> var x (0), ze (1), y (2), zs (3) >>> numgoals 3 >>> printgoal 0 (y&x) >>> printgoal 1 (!y) >>> printgoal 2 (!ze) >>> printgoal 3 Invalid mode: 3 >>> winning 1 0 1 1 False >>> winning 1 0 1 0 True >>> winning 0 0 0 0 True >>> sysnexta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 --- >>> sysnext 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 ---
Use help to get the list of commands without descriptions.
winning STATE
is STATE in winning set?
envnext STATE
list of possible next valuations of environment variables, given current STATE; each is on a separate line, with termination indicated by a final line of ---
list of possible next valuations of system variables that are consistent with progression of a winning strategy that currently has goal index GOALMODE, given current STATE1 and environment move STATE2ENV from that state; each is on a separate line, with termination indicated by a final line of ---
list of possible next valuations of system variables regardless of whether the resulting next state would be consistent with any winning strategy, given current STATE1 and environment move STATE2ENV from that state.
restrict STATE1 STATE2
remove edge from STATE1 to STATE2, if present. The behavior of this command depends on the length of the second argument. If STATE2 has length equal to the number of environment variables, then it is treated as an environment move from STATE1, hence this command removes the corresponding uncontrolled edge. If STATE2 is a complete state vector, i.e., it has length equal to the total number of environment and system variables, then it is treated as a system move, hence this command removes the corresponding controlled edge.
add an edge from STATE1 to STATE2. Consult the description of "restrict" command regarding how the length of STATE2 affects interpretation of this command.
clear all restrictions and relaxations thus far.
blocksys STATESYS, blockenv STATEENV
prohibit system moves into STATESYS (resp., environment moves into STATEENV).
get reachability index of STATE for goal index GOALMODE. If the STATE is not in the winning set, then the return value is Inf
, which indicates "infinite" index.
refresh winning
compute winning set (presumably after transition (safety) rules have changed from restrict and relax commands); this does not change the sublevel sets.
refresh levels
compute (sub)level sets; this command also causes the winning set to be computed (again).
addvar env (sys) VARIABLE
add VARIABLE to list of environment (resp. system) variables if "env" (resp. "sys").
print list of environment variables in order.
print list of system variables in order.
print all variable names with indices; your state values must match this order.
print number of system goals.
printgoal GOALMODE
print formula for system goal index GOALMODE.
print list of environment goals (liveness). Each is on a separate line, with termination indicated by a final line of ---
enable (disable) autoreorder
enable (resp. disable) automatic BDD reordering.
terminate gr1c.
realizable {existsys,allsys} [NOT IMPLEMENTED]
is specification realizable? Consult documentation in solve.h for interpretation of init_flags "existsys" (EXIST_SYS_INIT) and "allsys" (ALL_SYS_INIT).